Ecological Niche

This Photo shows the snow leopards environment and where it hunts and lives!

This picture shows the food web the snow leopard is a part of!


SnowLeopards are one of the top predators in the high mountain food web of Central Asia. They are able to eat prey three times their size. The Snow Leopards main and favorite prey is the blue sheep, but they also eat hares, birds, marmots, and pika. The snow leopards may look intimidating but their behavior is the exact opposite. They are shy and elusive cats. The snow leopard is active at dawn and dusk. They usually sleep in rocky caves or crevices.

A snow leopard mother and her two sub adult cubs!

Mating season for wild snow leopards is between January and mid-March. During this time, a male and a female will travel together for a few days and copulate. The female is typically pregnant for 93-110 days before retiring to a sheltered den site and giving birth to her cubs in June or July. The diligent mother raises her offspring alone, providing food and shelter for her cubs. Baby snow leopards leave their mom around 18-22 months; they become very independent when they set out on their own.

The snow leopard only has one predator and it is humans. Humans use snow leopards for its soft fur and its meat. Because having only one predator the snow leopard can hunt whatever it wants without the worry of getting eaten by other animals. The snow leopard wouldn’t be able to live without blue sheep and mountain goats because it is their main source of food.

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